That’s simple. It’s the Members who run the Club. Everyone pays a small subscription and, every year, a Chairman is elected from the membership, together with a Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.

The Chairman and Vice-Chairman each serve for just one year and, during his year of office, the Vice-Chairman arranges eleven guest speakers for the coming year, when he will take over as Chairman. This avoids the need for a Speaker Secretary and ensures that the Chairman’s year of office is one that he has planned himself.

The incoming Chairman will choose a charitable cause for which the Club will raise funds by various means. These will usually be local charities and one meeting a year, usually during the summer, will be devoted to that organisation, providing an opportunity for them to describe their activities and the projects for which they are seeking extra funding from the Club.

Also, once a year, wives and partners are invited to join Club Members for a meeting and the lunch that follows. The subject of the talk on this occasion is chosen specially to be of interest to a wider audience. 

Club news is circulated to Members by email and, after each meeting, the Leamington and Warwick Courier newspaper publishes a report on its District News pages, bringing information on the Club to the attention of the local community and prospective members.

If you’d like to know more, why not come to one of our meetings as a visitor, without obligation and see if Probus is for you? You’d be very welcome.

Chairman Joe Murphy and former chairman Andrew Cooper